BMW M Series camshafts designed for S58 engines with bolt on intake, exhaust and turbo upgrades. For engines producing around 600-850hp running a 60-68mm turbo.
Maintains full use of Valvetronic and Dual VANOS for great throttle response and wide power band.
Valve Spring Upgrade is Required, Kelford Cams recommend valve spring KVS58-BT.
High Performance BMW S58 Engine
288°/268° | 10.30mm/10.15mm Valve Lift
BMW M Series camshafts designed for S58 engines with bolt on intake, exhaust and turbo upgrades. For engines producing around 600-850hp running a 60-68mm turbo.
Maintains full use of Valvetronic and Dual VANOS for great throttle response and wide power band.
Valve Spring Upgrade is Required, Kelford Cams recommend valve spring KVS58-BT.
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